A list of the various machines by us; covering preparation, processing or cooking, packing and filling aspects of the food production.
Automatic Grillers
An automatic grilling machine for satay, yakitori or any on-stick skewers.
Automatic Skewers
An automatic skewering machine for satay, yakitori or any on-stick skewers.
Vacuum Tumbler
A meat marination machine with vacuum to produce tender and well marinated meat in a short amount of time.
Multi Function Steam Cookers
A multi purpose and function steam cooker that can process, cook, heat, cool, mix, cut, blend and vacuum.
Multi Function Steam Cooker 400
Multi Function Steam Cooker 1000
Supporting equipments for the Multi Function Steam Cooker series
300 litres hopper with transfer pump and agitator
Autobag Fill and Seal
An automated preformed bag picking and opening, filling by weight and sealing machine.
Volumetric Fillers PSA
A filling machine that dispenses medium to high viscosity products by volume.
Volumetric Fillers SA
A filling machine that dispenses low viscosity products by volume.
Weight Fillers
A filling machine that dispenses products by weight.
Powder Mixers
A mixing or blending machine for powders or powdered ingredients.